UIC MIS Team Wins Third Place in the SUIT Showdown Case Competition
UIC MIS Team Wins Third Place in the SUIT Showdown Case Competition Heading link
A team of three MS-MIS students Rajeev Ravikumar, Sabarrie Mohhan and Vatsal Nidhi won third place in the Strategic Use of IT (SUIT) Showdown Case competition. The competition was held at the University of Texas at Dallas Jindal School of Management on April 4 and 5. Teams of graduate students from top MIS programs around the country were invited to participate in a forum designed to showcase their skills. Participating schools included Bentley University, Indiana University, New York University, Oklahoma State University, Purdue University, Texas A&M University, the University of Arizona, the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Texas at Dallas, and the University of Washington.
Each team analyzed a case describing the business and technical challenges faced by a large real estate company and prepared a strategic plan for the company to move forward. A panel of industry executives evaluated the presentations and identified the top three teams. UIC team won the third place, after Texas A&M University (first place) and Indiana University (second place) .
Congratulations to Rajeev Ravikumar, Sabarrie Mohhan and Vatsal Nidhi!