Student Organization Spotlight: ALPFA
ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals For America) was the first national Latino professional association in the US, established in 1972. The 47-year old association has empowered numerous Latino men and women with skills to succeed in the world of business. ALPFA serves more than 95,000 professionals and students across the US. Members have access to a network of companies that are looking to hire and develop talent in the Latin community. ALPFA at UIC continues to grow as one of the leading chapters in the US. They organize multiple business and social events like: company visits, networking events, symposiums, get-togethers, as well as dining and sporting events. They believe in not only building professional relationships, but also enabling lifelong friendships. As they prepare for upcoming events this spring, UIC Business caught up with Maria Perez, president and accounting major, to know more about her journey with ALPFA at UIC.
What is the vision of ALPFA and has it changed considering current times? Heading link

What is the vision of ALPFA and has it changed considering current times?
ALPFA’s vision is really big on helping students gain experience in professional development, community involvement, networking, and leadership. We aim to help students be the best in every aspect. Our vision has not changed considering the current times we are in. We always try to help our members in every possible way.
Tell us about your experience organizing events for ALPFA and how different it was compared to last year.
In the past, we would plan our events on campus and organize off-campus, in-person events. We would hold general meetings with companies, guest speakers, and we would arrange for company site visits. Last year, it was a whole new experience for us. It was our very first time adjusting plans keeping in mind the restrictions and organizing virtual events. We did not know how the “new normal” experience would work out for us, but we were happy with the way things turned out. We arranged virtual general meetings with multiple companies on platforms like Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Microsoft Teams. We collaborated with other ALPFA chapters in Illinois like DePaul and UI-UC. Although it was in a virtual setting, our members were still able to network and learn about professional development. We also volunteered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, keeping in mind all of the precautions and restrictions in place. Overall, it was definitely something unexpected and new; but, our members still had a great learning experience!
Tell us about the events that ALPFA plans to host this spring, keeping in mind the virtual scenario. Heading link

Tell us about the events that ALPFA plans to host this spring, keeping in mind the virtual scenario.
We plan to attend the virtual spring symposium that ALPFA National plans every fall and spring semester. It is a great event to attend and network with other students and professionals. Although it will be virtual, it will be a great opportunity for our members. We have planned several general meetings as well with companies like – Sherwin Williams, BCBS, Altria, and more! Along with that, we have planned more collaborations with other ALPFA chapters across the US. We plan to organize virtual social events for our members to foster communication in a more non-formal way. We want to make the best out of this semester and still give our members the resources we would give them if we met on campus.
What are the takeaways for students despite the absence of in person events this year Heading link

What are the takeaways for students despite the absence of in person events this year?
Students are still able to gain knowledge in many areas with our general meetings. They get to learn more about professional development. Students also network with ALPHA members from UIC and other chapters. Despite the absence of in-person events, engagement has been the same as before.
What is the highlight of your association with ALPFA?
Personally, I have been a part of ALPFA since my freshman year, so it has been 4 years for me.! Since the beginning, I knew that being involved with a student organization like ALPFA would help me become a better person. ALPFA helped me gain leadership and networking skills. I can now comfortably interact with professionals across industries. I have been elected to the executive board for 3 years now.! I have held board positions like fundraising director, student relations head, and now president. Most importantly, ALPFA has helped me land two internships with two of the Big 4 Accounting firms: PwC and KPMG. Lastly, one of the biggest advantages of being a part of an organization like ALPFA is networking with peers across the US. I recommend ALPFA to every UIC Business student because I want them to receive the same help that I received from the beginning of my association!
Lastly, how important do you think it is to join a student organization given the present circumstances? Heading link

Lastly, how important do you think it is to join a student organization given the present circumstances?
I think it’s very important given the present circumstances. Having online school has really put a barrier in front of a lot of students where they cannot be on campus like before. Students do not interact with one another the same way they would previously. Being involved in an organization would enhance those relationships. Students will receive help and opportunities, meet new people, and still have the same experience as they would if they were on campus. It is really easy to just attend virtual classes from home and do homework and call it a day. The key is to try to put in effort and put yourself out there.
Thank you Maria, for sharing your thoughts with us and we wish ALPFA at UIC more success in the times ahead. May ALPFA continue to help students learn all the skills that emerging leaders should have to achieve success in the corporate world. If you are interested in joining ALPFA at UIC, feel free to email them at Feel free to reach out to Maria on LinkedIn or email her with any questions.