Student Ambassador Spotlight: Chiranjiv Mukerji, MBA Candidate 2013
Student Ambassador Spotlight: Chiranjiv Mukerji, MBA Candidate 2013 Heading link
Chiranjiv Mukerji
MBA Candidate 2013
Full-time student
MBAA President
- Concentration(s): Marketing and International Business
- Industry/Field of work: IT Security Consulting
- Undergraduate degree in: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Undergraduate School: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (Dubai Campus)
- Career Goal: Leverage global experience to help firms generate further business
- Organizations involved with: MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd (India)
- Linkedin Profile: Chiranjiv Mukerji
What prompted you to return to school to achieve your MBA?
With more than five years of working in Business Development for an IT firm, I was exposed to various facets of business ranging from finance to legal contracts. My learnings were always on the job and one dimensional in terms of dealing with a particular matter. The MBA provides me the opportunity to add dimensions to my perspectives, as well as give a solid structure to my understanding of core business disciplines.
Since you have started the MBA program, what has been the most unexpected gain the program has given you?
My Facebook friend list has nearly doubled I have met bankers, consultants, pilots, marketers, stewardesses, advertisers, lawyers, accountants, and manufacturers – and these are all in-class connections. Outside of class, I have had the opportunity to meet business leaders with some inspirational growth stories. I expected to find friends when I was moved to Chicago, but to have built so many friendships in one year is truly phenomenal.
Which class/professor has been your favorite thus far and why?
My favorite class (even though it was a 2-credit half semester course) was Corporate Strategy with Mark Shanley. It gave me insights into the all-encompassing thought process behind management decisions. Also, the professor really pushed us above and beyond our perspective to look at the bigger picture of why some decisions are made in the organization.
How would you define the Liautaud student?
A Liautaud MBA is a diligent, passionate, and resourceful student. S/he is street smart and boardroom ready.
What advice would you provide to incoming UIC Liautaud MBA students?
The MBA program is exactly what you make of it. Liautaud provides you with fantastic opportunities to learn and discover the world of business. Work hard and the Liautaud MBA will be the strongest asset you have ever owned.