Professional and Social Networking -UIC Liautaud Career Services Workshop

Professional and Social Networking -UIC Liautaud Career Services Workshop Heading link

The next session in our series of job search workshops will be on Professional and Social Networking.  We are pleased to have Dean DeLisle conduct this session.  Dean is the Chief Operating Officer for OFI Holdings, Incorporated and Founder and CEO at Forward Progress, Incorporated.  Dean helps businesses accelerate their contacts using on-line leading edge technologies.  He is a professional Trainer and Coach.  A few of his clients include State Farm, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Baird & Warner, Allstate, BDO Seidman, Mitsubishi and numerous other companies and organizations. Considering that the majority of company recruiters are using social and professional networking sites to recruit top talent, we will focus on how you can use these tools to increase your networking contacts and secure the interview.  What makes for a good profile?  How can you attract company recruiters to contact you?  How can you be proactive in using these sites to increase your chances in the job search?  This promises to be a fun, fast paced and informative session.

Please click on the following link to RSVP for this session.   Thank you.  John Karras

Professional and Social Networking Workshop

Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Time: 4:30 – 6 p.m.
Location: Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted, SCE – White Oak Room