Benet DeBerry Spence is presenting a paper at Great Cities Institute on March 19 at 3p.m.. The presentation is titled, “Rethinking Marketplace Literacy: Transforming African Markets.”

Students from the MS-MIS program won top honors in the SAP Design Thinking Jam competition held at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee last weekend. The students were paired with other peers in cross-university teams from different competing schools. First Place Winner: Sabarie Mohhan; Second Place Winner: Vatsal Nidhi, Anuj Vohra; Third Place Winner: Zia Khan, Yash Rasania.

Bob Chirinko, professor finance, was interviewed by Progress Illinois for a story about conflict of interest at JP Morgan Chase.

Anna Cui, assistant professor of marketing, presented her paper, “The Impact of Portfolio Dynamics on Alliance Termination,” at the recent American Marketing Association’s 2013 Winter Educators Conference, held February 15-17, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Alan Malter, associate professor of marketing, and recent UIC PhD graduate Haisu Zhang (assistant professor at Purdue-Calumet) presented their paper, “The Influence of Marketing in New Product Development Teams” (based on Haisu’s dissertation) as part of a special session on “The Role of Marketing,” organized and chaired by Haisu. Alan also co-chaired the Special Interest Group (SIG) track at the conference, along with recent UIC PhD graduate Frederik Beuk (assistant professor at University of Akron).

Maija Renko, assistant professor of managerial studies, has been invited to join the review board of the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV). JBV is a multi-discipline, multi-functional, and multi-contextual journal dedicated to entrepreneurship. Based on its impact factor, JBV is ranked 13th of all journals categorized as “Business” journals.

Jelena Spanjol, assistant professor of marketing, presented her research “Employee-Employer Congruence in Environmental Values: Effects on Employee Creativity & Job Satisfaction” on Friday, February 15 at the 2013 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educators’ Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Jelena also co-chaired the Innovation & New Product Development track at this conference.

Jie Wang, clinical assistant professor in Managerial Studies, gave a presentation entitled “Conducting Research on Locally Based Companies” at the Association of Business Communication annual conference. A written summary of his presentation has been accepted and is scheduled to be published in the September 2013 issue of Business Communication Quarterly.

MBA students Jim DeMory and Ben Lachman won second place in the Spirit of Enterprise business plan competition on Feb. 22 in Cincinnati, OH, where they competed against the top teams from MBA programs throughout the country. Their startup company, EverFile Systems, was created to commercialize a patented, innovative data storage technology that promises to revolutionize data storage with a solution that is more reliable, less expensive and allows much faster recovery of data when failures occur. The pair also represented UIC in Louisville at the Cardinal Challenge business plan competition Feb 15-16, where they advanced to the semifinals and placed 2nd overall in the fast pitch competition. They also won second place in UIC’s Concept2Venture business plan competition in December.