High Frequency Trading Brought to Light

Earlier this month, UIC Business hosted a High-Frequency Trading (HFT) Roundtable Discussion. This was an insightful analysis of hot-topic issues that have been recently brought to light by the release of Michael Lewis’ new book “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt.”

UIC Finance Professors who are recognized leaders in the area of Market Microstructure, Professors RosenthalMurphy, and Bondarenko, shed some light on what it all means and how it affects financial markets and investors.

The event was held at Jak’s Tap for both current students and alumni. This event was a great opportunity for those interested in Finance and High-Frequency Trading to learn more about developments in the industry and current issues. Additionally, following the discussion, a Q&A session led to further insights and understanding as many audience members facilitated further dialogue.

Some of the topics covered during the conversation were:

  • What are the Pros & Cons of HFT firms in financial markets?
  • Is the market really rigged against investors?
  • How valuable is a millisecond to traders? What about a microsecond?


“It was a current discussion with a diverse representation of the views of HFT and its function in the exchanges as well as the surrounding regulation.  I’m excited to finish reading Flash Boys!”

– Michael Bley, MBA Candidate 2015