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Encouraging Words for Finals Week from UIC Business Faculty

UIC finals week is fast approaching (as if you needed a reminder)!

If you ask a college student what are some of their busiest moments as a scholar, many will say “finals week.” Millions of students across the country are preparing for their upcoming final exams, projects, and presentations. While finals time is a student’s opportunity to step up and demonstrate the wealth of knowledge they’ve attained over the semester, it can also lead to high levels of stress. According to NBC News, four in ten students claim they endure stress frequently. Nearly one in five say they feel it all or most of the time. These numbers are certainly exacerbated during the high-pressure finals week.

Though finals season can be a stressful time, it doesn’t have to be. A few UIC Business professors share their words of wisdom and encouragement to help students combat stress, stay focused, and set themselves up for success during finals week. Take a look at what they have to say…

For the finals, the most important factor is NOT to be stressed. To get to this point, plan early, stay organized and try to complete your exam prep or projects with 2-3 days buffer. This helps a lot. Wish you all the best for the finals.

– Assistant Professor Sajna Ibrahim, Marketing

My advice is: Study to understand, not to memorize. Don’t run on coffee. Stay hydrated. Sleep well. Cut out sugar from your diet. Laugh with family and friends to stay sane. Message to Team Chaplin: GSD!

– Associate Professor Lan Nyugen Chaplin, Marketing

Worry is not preparation. If you can calm any negative self-talk and just focus on using your study time well, you will perform better. Take care of yourself mentally and physically through the gamut of finals. All-nighters are highly overrated.

– Senior Lecturer Michael Popowits, Accounting and Professional Development


UIC Business wishes everyone the best of luck during finals. We know that you are going to do exceptionally well because #UICMeansBusiness.