CME Group 2022 University Trading Challenge
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Two UIC Business teams, Flames Capital Management and Quantitative Trading Club, participated in the CME Group 2022 University Trading Challenge held from October 2-28, and the Day of Market Education on December 5. The CME Group Trading Challenge is an electronic trading competition that allows students to experience the excitement, energy and decision-making environment of real-time trading. Teams of 3-5 undergraduate and graduate students start with a $500,000 paper trading account and can trade a variety of CME Group products from multiple asset classes in a simulated, professional trading platform provided by CQG.
Over 200 universities from 23 countries participated in the 2022 Trading Challenge with prize money of $500 to $2000 per student awarded to the top five teams. All teams and advisors were invited to a Day of Market Education on December 5 which provided an inside look at the CME Group and the financial industry. The day-long forum was followed by a networking reception and dinner at the Skydeck Chicago.
The following UIC students from the two teams attended the Day of Market Education and evening dinner and were accompanied by Liz Dickey, Associate Director of Academic Outreach Initiatives:
- Jacob Sas, Major in Finance, Minor in Business Analytics (Flames Capital Management)
- Alex Teng, Major in Finance (Flames Capital Management)
- Adam Rossi, Majors in Finance and Economics (Quantitative Trading Club)
- Mohamed Allam, MEng in AI and Machine Learning (Quantitative Trading Club)
- Jovad Uribe, Major in Data Science, Minor in Business Administration (Quantitative Trading Club)
- Simas Zavistauskas, Major in Finance, Minor in International Business (Flames Capital Management)