A Holiday Message from Angela Prazza Winters
A Holiday Message from Angela Prazza Winters Heading link

Congratulations on making it to the end of the semester! For those of you who have graduated, congratulations on behalf of the faculty and staff at UIC Business! We are so very proud of you all.
As we look back on this last year, I am amazed by our collective efforts to meet challenges with respect and dignity. We have all had to step out of comfort zones to follow new rules and understand the impact of a global pandemic. The winter break, and the holiday season for some, give us a reason to pause and reflect on our accomplishments over the past year.
The resiliency that you’ve shown will carry you not only through the rest of this year, but also through your life. As a UIC Business student, you are working hard not only for your own growth and prosperity, but also for your family’s. Keep advocating for yourself and making your mark in the world.
During our winter break, I know we all need peace and calm in our lives. I also encourage you to maintain your work ethic, build your network with your friends, family, colleagues, and coworkers. Given what we have learned over the last 20 months, this can be done easily via text, a call, or a quick note on social media. Staying connected is now more important than ever.
During this season of gratitude, I want to encourage each of us to remember the community of UIC Students, Faculty and Staff that support one another through good times and the difficult ones.
We hope you have a restful winter break and return with renewed energy and promise!
Happy Holidays!
Angela Prazza Winters
Assistant Dean of Student Services